Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just the Motivation I Need

Owen on Spring Break
Side Note:  Madison got her cast off today.  Okay, now continue. 

First of all, let me apologize for not being the diligent blogger I once was.  I guess when I started writing for Patch, I allowed my personal blog to fall to the wayside.  It's funny how that happens.  The other mitigating factor is that Strategic Victory, my company, has been exploding with new business.  I've barely been able to keep my head above water in this new life as stay-at-home, work-at-home, work-out-of-the-home mom. 

However, not matter how busy life gets, I can't forget about my escape hatch, which just happens to be writing.  It's a release for me, a sanctuary of sorts.  When Penny, my editor at Patch, told me that they were going to be linking to local blog sites, I thought this might be the motivation I need to get back into blogging regularly.

Madison's uber curly hair and bag over her cast.
And look at I am, blogging.  I'm not even going to try and catch you up on the last three months.  It would impossible and probably quite boring actually.  But here's a brief recap:  SVC (my company) took on 12 new clients. Blake finally stopped peeing in his pants (almost). I worked for Senator Jennings in Annapolis during Session. Madison broke her arm and we didn't know it for almost a day.  We drove 18 hours to Florida for our first Spring Break ever.  We took on an intern at SVC.  Nana & Papa kept Madison and Blake at their house for a week giving Neil and I almost kid free time.  My princess is one tough cookie and my middle child seems to be the wimpy one of the lot.  Neil went camping with a bunch of guys from church, giving him two weekends of fun in one month.  The first was a kayaking festival.

What else?  Who knows?  I can barely remember yesterday, much less highlights from the last 3 months. The point is, I'm let's hope I can stay that way.

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