Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Rainy Day

It's been a while since we've had a full-out rainy day, a long while. Being that I'm not one of these super mom's who obviously foresees the rainy day coming weeks in advance and has all these amazing plans for the event, I'm stuck here trying to figure this whole thing out. Luckily I don't have to do it alone. Katy and I have decided to brave the day together. So what should we do?

Back in the day, pre-babies, I'd go to Blockbuster (because there was no such thing as a red box) and rent 2-3 chick flicks. Then I'd swing by the grocery store for a few appropriate rainy day snacks, diet coke, oreo cookies, and buttery popcorn. Finally I'd end up at home, curled up under a comfy throw with my snacks and the remote = day of fun! But something tells me my two boys and I don't have the same taste in fun, though I'm pretty sure they wouldn't complain about the oreos or the popcorn.

Of course you have to add an obvious lack of motivation to my dilemmas of the day. In the last few weeks, I feel like someone has literally sucked the life out of me, and that someone is the cute little girl growing inside of me. Don't get me wrong. I'm so excited about having a girl, seriously, but right now, I'd give anything for a moment without yawning. Enter rainy day into the equation, and I feel like the world's biggest slacker. Do you see how dire my situation is?

Here is what's on my agenda so far: Get to the gym by 9:00 then head to the bank to deposit money to pay my first new mortgage bill, and then off to meet Katy & Ashleigh for a fun day of ???

On a side note: we got our first BGE (electric & gas) bill and it was a little less than the Cranberry house. This excited me considering it was in the middle of the summer. Speaking of summer, I thought we were in the middle of some sort of global warming scandal. Yeah, I can totally tell. I'm burning up here in Maryland with the temps nearing 80 in August. It's a scorcher. Did you know that the 1970's brought concern of Global Cooling? Seriously google it! Plus, it seems that we've been in a cooling trend for the last ten or so years. I wonder if Al Gore (while flying his private jet) has read this article I get that it is just one article, but I'm simply convinced that this whole global warming scandal is just a way to line Al Gore's pockets, flood the world with liberal intolerance, and give Hollywood extremists a high horse to ride on. Wow, I didn't realize I was so passionate about it. Oh and if I'm going to blame anyone for the high gas and food prices, let's see...who's been sitting on their butts in congress doing nothing. That's right, all those people elected into office in 2006 giving the Democrats a majority who are doing what right now? Yep, vacationing. Our tax (& gas) dollars at work. Can't blame me though, I voted for the other guy! While I'm on a political rant, let me say how much it irks me that I'm considered a racist for not liking Barack. Let me just say that I didn't hear a single democrat claiming that back in '06 when Michael Steele was running for Senate in Maryland, a black conservative man whom I was proud to support. Do you know how the blacks in Maryland described him? An oreo, black on the outside and white on the inside...go figure!

Okay I'm done ranting for now, but I can't promise that as the election nears, I won't be a little more vocal. I'm pretty sure it will slip out from time to time. I am interested to see who McCain picks as his V.P. Feel free to add your ideas to the comments below. And don't forget the rainy day ideas, since that is the reason I started writing this post.


Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

It's not raining that hard... let the boys go play in the mud :)

Hehe, that's a little much, eh?

amy@flexibledreams said...

Sorry we didn't get to meet up at PlayWise. Keep it in mind for future rainy days, it's the perfect spot.

Less expensive alternatives? I'm all for the mud.